what a contradiction in terms... can anyone teach about life? or is it life that goes about, in its own inimitable way, teaching one and all?
both, i feel are true... yes, life is the best teacher, but i saw no harm in teaching a little wisdom to my little girl (actually not so little any more) when she came back from school in tears.
my first response was: are you ok?
she said, with a sulk, "yes i am ok and not ok."
me: why? what happened?
she: "the teachers have selected students for public speaking and as comperes fortheAnnual Day and they have selected all their pets."
Gosh, there are too many issues and i just have 5 flat minutes to address all of them, lest i be late for my post-lunch meeting.
almost thinking on my feet, i told her: "are you happy with what you have done, as in the speech that you had prepared for the audition?", half-knowing the answer that she would give me, since i had heard her rehearse and had suggested some changes in her delivery mode and expressions.
she said: "yes, Ma, i am happy with what i had prepared and had taken care to do all that you had told me. and i am sure that my speech was way better than the rest of the guys and gals. but they are the pets and i am not...", her throat wavered a little, in anger partly, in pain, partly at not being selected.
now the number of issues had not reduced though two minutes of my balance time had, but one thing i was sure of -- she was confident of herself.
i said: "if you are happy with what you have done, don't bother about the end result. that is not the result of your credit/discredit. there will be many such other instances in life when you will feel that you were better, but somebody else made it. the way out is to try to do even better, next time on. your feeling may be partly true; it could also be the result of a preconceived notion that you have about the selectors."
her face showed a couple of expressions, one after the other. first, she did not get my message about not bothering about the end result... and i do not blame her since she is not yet 14. but i purposely gave her this to mull over. second, that others may not be as good but will still make it... she partly got, must be through her tiny experience in life. she disagreed with the third, to do better next time on, saying, "there is no use in doing better next time... i would rather opt for dance where the selection is easier." this was a new issue hurled at me, that of changing track midway, giving up and not doing her best... but i decided to let go of it for the time being, though i will not let go of her in case she does not give me a convincing enough logic to opt for dance or mimicry (whatever it is), next time on. the fourth message, she partly got about preconceived notion, i could make out from her eyes...opinionated child, a genetic trait she has got...
my five minutes were up and i had to go, and when i left her, i heard sobs from her room... i dragged myself out, pretending not have heard the sobs, not because i was getting late, but because she has to learn to cope with life and such failures alone. time will come when we will not be around to hug and kiss her pain away...
let me be confident that she can, though i can hold her hand, if need be...
On What Is Happening in Bangladesh
6 months ago
I can identify myself with this situation, it was selection for who would represent my school in inter-school debate, i knew i was good, but the teachers (inclu the princi) had already taken a call before the audition. When i was speaking i still heard them whispering "she is very good", but i was not selected. My terrace in asansol came to my rescue that evening, where i screamed my heart out. Though it sounds very nasty, but our school came last that season, and i was happy...
so a mssg of R, it happens everywhere, and no amount of consolation helps.
how sad! poor thing. and i don't really discredit the favourite theory... quite sad schools indulge in favouritism.
@Anon, though you have not identified yourself, i have a feeling i know you... anyhow, yes it does happen everywhere and that's a hint i have dropped off to R, but as you have said, consolation does not help... it just has to sink in.
@UmmON, it is always a tough call to make on the extent to which i can show that i agree with her since that should not turn her feelings into disrespect for teachers... i will show it full once i know that she can handle not-so-respectful feelings with taming herself to obey them, at the same time...
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