Midnight today will usher a new year... new hopes... new goals (i know it is cliched, but many still make goals in the wake of a new year)...
midnight today, will not make a big, huge difference in the lives of many others who are living every minute in fear in Gaza where for the past five days there has been relentless rocket fires...
this post is not to discuss the right/wrong of what is happening and address why is it happening...
i am too puny a person to do that...
for the moment, let's think about the countless injured, in ramshackle hospitals, which are running short on every blood group... the countless homeless, trying to track their children, who may or may not be alive, mass funerals which are not attended by the kith and kin since many are nameless faces... but very much people of this planet, with the same emotions, same pains, same joys, same aspirations as you and me... but so much less fortunate than us... have you wondered at this small truth?
i have... and felt grateful for this small life of mine, which despite many issues, which i, at times, consider enormous, has given me the joy of a child who misses my absence, a husband who still wants a lot of attention and care, a Mother who still pines for my company and demands periodically that i tell her today when i am going home next, a job which is satisfying (if not hugely lucrative), colleagues who are good human beings...
in 2009, that is my only goal... to remain a satisfied individual, crib less, carry on with a smile and make some few people around me happy... AND (this is most important) shrug all bias, since that is the root of all unhappiness...
On What Is Happening in Bangladesh
6 months ago