endless crowd, being Friday evening... entire Doha was at FFC (Family Food Centre), the weekly ritual that every family has in getting there with as long a list as possible, shop till one drops and get home.
parking is a nighmare, so are all the counters, of stacked foodstuff to the vegeatble and fish section and the bakery... all of this crowd negotiation, is neatly punctuated by some odd acquaintance, with some equally odd querry about exams, the next vacation, the currency rate, et al...
Scene 1:
husband-wife combo (presumably)... for a change the husband has the list and the wife is tagging along aimlessly... i started looking out for B who was singing to himself and lolling behind me, and i had the list in hand (a small one, since most of last week was food called from the next door restaurant).
Scene 2:
while shopping for fruits, i plunged myself into the orange section... it had 5-6 varieties and instantly moved away from the orange that came from Pakistan. ditto for basmati, with Indian basmati the staple at home.
Scene 3:
at the billing counter, while waiting for our turn to come, i started to observe people around... some has dressed for a party but had hit the grocery; some carried themselves really well, despite the bulges; some slouched and made themselves look most awkward; some couples were in love and showed it off; some had just grown used to their spouses and did not even talk to each other (quite like us both); some had to make the most urgent call at the top of their voices; children made the most of the wait and stuffed small goodies which the parents would not allow; some looked bored; others quite enjoyed this weekly do; the only expressionless faces were those manning the counters... i came away pitying their legs.
On What Is Happening in Bangladesh
6 months ago
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