Mar 21, 2009

the time of the day i like most

weekdays, between 6.55 am and 7.30 am, when i am alone in the office. it's an early start to the day, with the alarm going off at 5 am (and to be honest, i hate it). but that sets the tone of the day ahead. have a quick shower, a hasty breakfast and we (R and me) are off to school... it is not only negotiating traffic, but also having a peek at her, next to me, when only i get to see her and none else... and the thing i yearn most, is to be seated on my desk at work, set the routine of the day, start ticking off the tasks that have been completed and do a little planning ahead...

weekends, when there is a long weekend, which is two times a month... on a Saturday, morning, 8.45 am to 11 am... when i am home alone... R is off to her Maths classes and B to a weekly meeting with the corporate bosses. i generally check mails, reply to important ones, start cooking, have a long bath... and write on this space... generally contented and not asking for too much is the mood of this time...

both of the times, i am alone... and i really don't know, if this is normal or not, but i feel happiest when i am alone... and i never ever feel lonely.

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