... to be or not to be... including what we choose to do by ourselves...
i have come across women of all sorts... women who make me feel proud that i am one of them, women who have made me happy beyond words, women who have made me feel ashamed that i am one of them, women who have made me cry with sadness/happiness...
category 1: women who are at home, but very very efficient home-makers, caring for everyone, making excellent food, looking after the sick, rejoicing when the children are small with their little successes, rejoicing when they grow up (and go away)... but basking in the glory of the husband (though not doormats), taking care not to waste his money, trying to economise on his money so that they have a better old age, sacrifice her desire for all else's, feel happy when others are... and let me tell you, this category of women are getting rarer by the minute...
category 2: women who are home, but are inefficient home makers, do not cook, do not care, do not care about others, do not economise on husband's money, bring up sloppy kids, do not sacrifice but make others do, exploit others, manipulate them to getting her way, crib endlessly, order around, are very demanding and get their way, are not earning and have no intention to, though if they tried, they could have, cunning so can pretend well enough... and let me tell you, this breed is increasing...
category 3: women who understand that they are better off outside the home than at home, cook when feel like, but makes sure that food is there for all meals, generally efficient, do not overdo their home-making skills, are realistic, take care of kids and husband, avoids waste, saves her money, tries to be a good mother-wife combo, tries to be a good human being, above all, is independent and is happy that way, does not crib, is guile-less and straight, refuses to be doormats... and let me tell you, this breed is increasing too...
then there are mixes and matches of the above, with a trait or two traded in or out... but the three above are the broad ones...
i have ready examples in all of these categories, but have not given them on purpose... take a little time to fix yourself in the category you belong to...no, you need not tell me, i will know if i know you... so enjoy alone...
On What Is Happening in Bangladesh
6 months ago
I have fixed mine and I am proud to be there...with the likes of u and some others...
y suddenly this urge to write an esay on d types of women? am afraid that some day u might as well feel like writing on men.... and I know that'll b terrible
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