my mobile works 24x7, 365 days... no i do not get that many calls or am not calling always... it is the alarm... to call the electrician to get th AC switch fixed, to call the banker (B's) to find out if the account has been opened, to remind me of my next blog idea. and this puts the husband off... he has threatened to throw my cute lil thing out of our 4th floor flat, the next time the reminder rings...
just that i have to put a reminder to remind him for getting his certificates translated, a requirement for some visa transfers, that have been in the pipeline for some half-a-year, since i forgot to remind him. huh?????
On What Is Happening in Bangladesh
6 months ago
isnt this monomaniac concern with the mobile turning somebody into a megalomaniac as far as claims of managing the husband r concerned? what do u say folks?
who wants to manage the h? it is he who wants to be managed, i thought.
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